Monday, September 28, 2009


Respect is a very hard thing to come by, but at the same time its not. if you give others repect then i am sure that they will do the same. There are also many places you can get respect and they are all very different. One of the places you can always get respect is at home. The way I get respect at home is i do my chores, listen to my mom, take care of my lil sister, and another thing i do is to set a very good example for her so she can be successful in life. Another place you can get respect would be at school. getting respect at school is a lot different than getting it at home. To get respect at school, first you have to give others respect. For example, if you open doors for girls, or compliment someone about the way they look then that's giving a lot of respect and people see that. Another way is to ask how peoples days or gowing and if there is anything that you can do to make there day better than tell them to let you know. Another place to get respect would be on some sort of team. The way i get respect on my football team from all my teammates is that i work hard every single day, again i try to be a role model to everyone, and i also tell me teammates good job and cheer them on. Like i said before respect is a hard thing to come by but as long as you give others respect, i am sure they will return the favor.


  1. hey bruh good job on your story start pushing in weight varsity next year Tevin montgomery
